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Hitler’s Last Hours | Unpublished Archives

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Unique documents found by a French officer in the bunker of the Reich Chancellery on November 25, 1945, allow us to better analyze and experience from the inside the last moments of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun, his companion.

The documents, mainly composed of letters, provide invaluable insight into the psychology of the Nazi leader and his wife during their last days. In one of the letters dated April 20, 1945, Hitler wrote, “I believe that at this moment, all that is left for us is to die with honor, that is, to put an end to our lives of our own free will”. It was undoubtedly a sign of the despair and desperation felt by the Fuhrer, who had by that point been tortured by the thought of an inevitable defeat.

Eva Braun’s letters, on the other hand, were more reflective of her acceptance of the situation. In her last letter, dated April 29, she wrote, “We have nothing to fear anymore. I am ready to face our fate with courage and dignity”. This was likely a way for her to reassure her husband that they would remain together until the end.



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