Footage of the recent American aggression on sites in Iraq and Syria on February 2, 2024. (ScreenGrab/ X)

Most Targeted Sites Completely Evacuated Before Aggression: Sources

The Iraqi Armed Forces stress that these "strikes" flagrantly violate Iraqi sovereignty, undermine the efforts of the Iraqi government, and pose a significant threat that could drag Iraq and the region into highly undesirable consequences.

The spokesperson for the Commander-in-Chief of the Iraqi Armed Forces, Yahya Rasool Abdullah, stated that the cities of al-Qaim and the Iraqi border areas were subjected to air “strikes” by US aircraft, adding that these “strikes” come at a time when Iraq is striving to ensure the stability of the region.

He emphasized that these “strikes” flagrantly violate Iraqi sovereignty, undermine the efforts of the Iraqi government, and pose a significant threat that could drag Iraq and the region into highly undesirable consequences. He underscored that the ramifications of these actions would be severe, particularly jeopardizing the security and stability of both Iraq and the region.

An official from the Iraqi Ministry of Interior informed AFP that, based on preliminary information, the American “strike” targeted a warehouse for light weapons. Concurrently, an official from the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces, speaking to the same agency, emphasized that the bombing in the al-Qaim area did not lead to any casualties.

Sources to Al Mayadeen confirm that most targeted sites had been evacuated before the aggression.

As a result of the aggression, Al Mayadeen’s correspondent in Aleppo reported that electricity had been completely cut off in Deir Ezzor.

Furthermore, Al Mayadeen’s correspondent in Iraq reported two civilian martyrs in the initial toll of the aggression against al-Qaim and Akashat.

ISIS attack PMF, Iraqi army

An Iraqi security source affirmed that the army and the Popular Mobilization Forces engaged in confrontations with ISIS members on the highway in the al-Sakar area, west of Anbar.

The statement from the Iraqi al-Nujaba channel asserts that ISIS seized the opportunity after the American aggression against Iraq and launched an attack on the army and the Popular Mobilization Forces in the Kilometer 160 area on the al-Sakkar highway.

US aggression on Syria, Iraq

On Friday, the United States launched an aggression on different areas in Iraq and Syria. Officials anticipate that the aggression marks the “commencement of a series of retaliatory actions in response to the deaths of three US soldiers in Jordan earlier this week”.

US Centcom claims its forces struck more than 85 targets in Iraq and Syria with numerous aircraft including long-range bombers.

It claims it struck facilities including “command and control ops, intelligence centers, rockets, missiles, UAV storages, supply chain facilities belonging to IRGC Quds Force.”

According to a Defense Department official, the aggression attack utilized long-range B-1B Lancer bombers. Additionally, a senior administration official clarified that, as of now, there are no plans for the US to conduct strikes within Iran.

US President Joe Biden stated that he had directed military strikes on facilities in Iraq and Syria. “Our response began today. It will continue at times and places of our choosing,” Biden said in a statement.

“The United States does not seek conflict in the Middle East or anywhere else in the world. But let all those who might seek to do us harm know this: If you harm an American, we will respond.”


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