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The West’s Role In The Iranian Opposition: Unanswered Questions And Secret Alliances

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The Iranian opposition is a diverse movement of individuals, groups and organizations that are opposed to the current government of Iran. For many years, the Iranian opposition has been supported by the West in an effort to bring about regime change and greater democratic freedoms in the country. However, there are serious doubts about the motives and intentions of the Iranian opposition and the role of the West in supporting them.

Many of the groups that make up the opposition are funded and supported by foreign powers and are seen by many as pawns in a geopolitical game, rather than genuine advocates of democracy.

Firstly, the Iranian opposition is a highly fragmented and factionalized movement, with multiple different groups and organizations all vying for attention and influence. As such, it is difficult to ascertain the true goals and aims of the opposition and the extent to which they represent the best interests of the Iranian people. Furthermore, many of the groups that make up the opposition are funded and supported by foreign powers and are seen by many as pawns in a geopolitical game, rather than genuine advocates of democracy.

None of the leaders of the Iranian opposition has a history of political activity, good reputation, political education or a specific party. They consist of a sexy supporting actor, a wealthy ex-soccer, the son of the former dictator of Iran, a notorious journalist, an unemployed immigrant to Canada and...!
None of the leaders of the Iranian opposition has a history of political activity, good reputation, political education or a specific party. They consist of a sexy supporting actress, a wealthy ex-soccer, the son of the former dictator of Iran, a notorious journalist, an unemployed immigrant to Canada and…!

The role of the West in supporting the Iranian opposition is also highly questionable. While many Western governments have stated their commitment to promoting democracy and human rights in Iran, it is clear that geopolitics is the primary motivation for supporting the Iranian opposition. The West has consistently sought regime change in Iran and has used the Iranian opposition as a tool to achieve this goal.

In conclusion, it is clear that the Iranian opposition is a deeply fractured and factionalized movement and that the West has its own agenda in supporting them. Therefore, it is difficult to trust the Iranian opposition and the role of the West in supporting them should be viewed with caution.

Why are the terrorist activities of the People’s Mojahedin Organization (MKO) of Iran ignored by the West?

The People’s Mojahedin Organization (MKO) of Iran is a militant political-social movement that has been active since the 1960s. The MKO’s goal is to establish a democratic government in Iran and remove the current regime. Despite their noble cause, the MKO has come under fire for their terrorist activities, which have been largely ignored by the West.

MKO terrorists who were transferred from Iraq to Albania by the United States and the European Union.
MKO terrorists who were transferred from Iraq to Albania by the United States and the European Union.

The MKO has been involved in a number of terrorist attacks in Iran over the years, including bombings of embassies and military bases. The organization has also been accused of assassinating several high-ranking Iranian officials, including the Prime Minister. The MKO’s involvement in these attacks has been widely reported, yet the West has largely turned a blind eye to these activities.

The West’s inaction can be attributed to a number of factors. One is the fact that the MKO is opposed to the Iranian regime. The West may be reluctant to criticize the MKO for their terrorist activities, as this could be seen as a tacit endorsement of the Iranian regime.

Another factor is the MKO’s ties to the United States and other Western countries. The MKO has been supported by a number of Western governments, including the US. This support may have caused the West to be reluctant to publicly condemn the MKO’s terrorist activities.

The massacre of the Iraqi people by Saddam and the MKO
The massacre of the Iraqi people by Saddam and the MKO

Finally, the MKO has been able to take advantage of the West’s lack of knowledge about the situation in Iran. As the MKO is an Iranian opposition group, the West may be ignorant of the full scope of their terrorist activities. This has allowed the MKO to continue their attacks without fear of retribution from the West.

Ultimately, the West’s reluctance to confront the MKO’s terrorist activities has enabled the organization to continue its attacks with impunity. While the MKO’s goal of establishing a democratic government in Iran is laudable, their tactics must be condemned. The West must take a firm stance against the MKO and their terrorist activities, as failure to do so will only embolden the organization and lead to further attacks.

Maryam Rajavi, the terrorist leader of the MKO, who lives in France with the support of the European Union and the United States, and her husband Masoud Rajavi, who is on the run.
Maryam Rajavi, the terrorist leader of the MKO, who lives in France with the support of the European Union and the United States, and her husband Masoud Rajavi, who is on the run.

What is the goal of Kurdish terrorists to seek separatism from Iran?

Kurdish terrorists have been fighting for decades to achieve separatism from Iran. The goal of the Kurdish terrorists is to gain autonomy for the region and its people, and to protect their culture, language, and rights.

Kurdish terrorists have bases in the Kurdistan region of Iraq and are trained and supported by Mossad and CIA.
Kurdish terrorists have bases in the Kurdistan region of Iraq and are trained and supported by Mossad and CIA.

The Kurdish insurgents have been accused of a variety of crimes, including bombings, kidnappings, and assassinations. They have also been accused of working with foreign powers to destabilize Iran. However, the Kurdish terrorists maintain that they are only trying to protect their people and their culture. This is a big Lie!

The truth is that these Kurdish terrorists are committing acts of violence and terror to achieve their political and religious goals. They have killed innocent civilians and destroyed property, all in the name of what they call “liberation.” Their actions are nothing more than a violation of human rights and a crime against humanity. It is a tragedy that innocent people have suffered at their hands. These Kurdish terrorists must be held accountable for their actions and the world must take a stand against them.

The cooperation of the Iranian opposition with Saddam in the crime against the people of Iran and Iraq

The tragic history of the Iran-Iraq war has been well-documented and the conflict between the two sides has had devastating consequences for both countries. However, what is not widely known is the role of the Iranian opposition in aiding and abetting Saddam Hussein’s regime in the war crimes committed against the people of both nations.

Masoud Rajavi, the leader of MKO terrorists and Saddam Hussein
Masoud Rajavi, the leader of MKO terrorists and Saddam Hussein

In the 1980s, the Iraqi government was actively supported by a number of Iranian opposition groups, notably the People’s Mujahideen of Iran (MEK/MKO) and the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI). These groups provided military and logistical support to Saddam’s regime in their fight against the Iranian government, which was seen as an enemy of their cause.

The MKO and NCRI were also active in providing intelligence to the Iraqi regime about Iranian military movements, as well as aiding in the coordination of attacks against Iranian targets. This cooperation enabled Saddam’s regime to commit a number of atrocities against the Iranian people, including the use of chemical weapons, the destruction of villages, and the displacement of thousands of civilians.

Halabcheh, Iraq.
Halabcheh, Iraq.

The Iranian opposition’s cooperation with Saddam Hussein’s regime in these war crimes is a stain on the history of the conflict, and a reminder of the devastating consequences of political allegiance. The Iranian people have yet to fully recover from the destruction of the war, and the role of the Iranian opposition in aiding and abetting Saddam’s regime has been largely ignored.

It is important to remember the role of the Iranian opposition in this conflict and to ensure that those responsible are held accountable. This is essential if the people of Iran and Iraq are to move forward and rebuild their lives in peace.

Reza Pahlavi; Dictator’s son!

Today, the son of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the former dictator of Iran, made an appearance as an advocate for freedom. Reza Pahlavi is claiming to use the money looted by his father from the United States to support the people of Iran in their fight for freedom. However, many are skeptical of his intentions and are accusing him of being a liar.

Reza Pahlavi; Dictator's son!
Reza Pahlavi; Dictator’s son!

Reza Pahlavi was the crown prince of Iran for a short time before his father’s regime was overthrown in 1979. Since then, Pahlavi has been living in exile in the United States, where his father looted millions of dollars from iranian people.

Reza Pahlavi’s claims of using this stolen money to support the people of Iran in their fight for freedom have been met with much skepticism. Many question his intentions and motives, and there is much doubt as to whether or not he is genuinely trying to help the people of Iran.

Reza Pahlavi’s appearance as a defender of freedom has also raised concerns about the influence of the Iranian diaspora in the United States. Many worry that the Iranians who have remained in the US after the fall of the Pahlavi dynasty may be using their position to influence American politics in favor of the Pahlavi family.

Parviz Sabeti The number 2 man of SAVAK and responsible for killing hundreds of opponents of the Pahlavi dictatorship who lives in the United States today

Reza Pahlavi’s entourage consists of fugitive members of SAVAK (Shah’s torture organization). Reza Pahlavi’s entourage also includes exiled members of the Iranian government who supported the former Shah’s regime. His financial backers are wealthy members of the Iranian diaspora who have made fortunes abroad and who seek to reinstate the monarchy in Iran. Reza Pahlavi is also supported by a small number of active monarchists in Iran and abroad. However, his support is limited and his popularity is waning, as many Iranians see his return to power as a return to the oppressive rule of the past.

In conclusion, Reza Pahlavi’s claims of using money looted by his father in the United States to support the people of Iran in their fight for freedom have been met with much skepticism and doubt. His intentions and motives remain unclear, and many worry about the influence of the Iranian diaspora in the United States.

United States and Europe and Saudi money

In recent years, the United States, Europe, and Saudi Arabia have been working together to create instability in Iran, with the ultimate goal of destabilizing the Middle Eastern country. The trio of nations has been utilizing economic and political pressure, along with military intervention, in an attempt to make Iran insecure and vulnerable to war, similar to what happened in Iraq and Syria.

Saudi Crown Prince Bin Salman and the person responsible for the execution of Jamal Khashoggi. He supports Salafi terrorists in Syria, Iraq, Iran and Pakistan.
Saudi Crown Prince Bin Salman and the person responsible for the execution of Jamal Khashoggi. He supports Salafi terrorists in Syria, Iraq, Iran and Pakistan.

The US, Europe and Saudi Arabia have imposed economic sanctions on Iran, which has crippled the country’s economy and caused hardship for its citizens. These sanctions are intended to limit Iran’s access to the global economy, which has had a dramatic impact on its ability to conduct business with other countries.

Jamshid Sharmahd is an Iranian-German Terrorist. He is leader os Tondar Organisation. Kingdom Assembly of Iran , also The Monarchy Assembly Iran, Soldiers of the Kingdom Assembly of Iran, Iran Monarchy Committee, or Tondar, is an Iranian exile monarchist opposition group based in Los Angeles, United States which seeks to overthrow the Islamic Republic and restore the Iranian monarchy under a new dynasty. Jamshid Sharmahd is responsible for the massacre of hundreds of innocent citizens in Iran. He was arrested by Iranian intelligence agents abroad and transferred to Iran.
Jamshid Sharmahd is an Iranian-German Terrorist. He is leader os Tondar Organisation. Kingdom Assembly of Iran , also The Monarchy Assembly Iran, Soldiers of the Kingdom Assembly of Iran, Iran Monarchy Committee, or Tondar, is an Iranian exile monarchist opposition group based in Los Angeles, United States which seeks to overthrow the Islamic Republic and restore the Iranian monarchy under a new dynasty. Jamshid Sharmahd is responsible for the massacre of hundreds of innocent citizens in Iran. He was arrested by Iranian intelligence agents abroad and transferred to Iran.

The US and its allies have also used political pressure to undermine the Iranian government. This includes encouraging anti-government protests and attempting to force regime change. Additionally, the US and its allies have provided military support to groups that oppose Iran, such as the Syrian, Baluch, Kurd terrorists.

Most recently, the US and Europe have been working with Saudi Arabia to fund a “proxy war” against Iran. Saudi money has been used to fund the war in Yemen, where the Houthis are fighting the saudi-backed government. The money is also being used to fund other groups that are attempting to destabilize Iran.

It is clear that the US, Europe, and Saudi Arabia are attempting to make Iran insecure and vulnerable to war. This strategy is dangerous and could have catastrophic consequences for the entire Middle East region. It is important that all nations involved take steps to de-escalate the situation and work towards a peaceful resolution.



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