Today: September 8, 2024
January 20, 2024
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Mirror Stage Warfare; Or Blessed Friday Of The Al Aqsa Flood

The phrase “mirror stage” is mostly being connected to Jaques Lacan and his insane and useless psychoanalysis. There is also “ mirror principle” and “mirror communication” in general psychology. It is more about mirror principle and mirror communication in here, and the word “stage” only describes more precisely what is set here as mirror stage in the terms of warfare. It has nothing to do with Lacan. It has to do with a mirroring reality as a whole and reacting in an order of moves which can be switched or replaced – depending of current conditions and developments in the filed. At the same time, it does not deviate from strict and clear military discipline, rules and order, but creates a new stage of their interoperable functioning in military operations. In other words, using all the enemy’s weapons to eradicate him.
Mirror Stage Warfare or Blessed Friday Of The Al Aqsa Flood
Mirror Stage Warfare, or Blessed Friday Of The Al-Aqsa Flood
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The phrase “mirror stage” is mostly being connected to Jaques Lacan and his insane and useless psychoanalysis. There is also “ mirror principle” and “mirror communication” in general psychology. It is more about mirror principle and mirror communication in here, and the word “stage” only describes more precisely what is set here as mirror stage in the terms of warfare. It has nothing to do with Lacan. It has to do with a mirroring reality as a whole and reacting in an order of moves which can be switched or replaced – depending of current conditions and developments in the filed. At the same time, it does not deviate from strict and clear military discipline, rules and order, but creates a new stage of their interoperable functioning in military operations. In other words, using all the enemy’s weapons to eradicate him.

It is also about time to stop using colonial term “Middle/Near East” which was cooked in the British Foreign Office in 1896. Nobody cares anymore for deranged British/Dutch perception of geography. It will be very soon that everything for the Brits/Dutch will be far away. Not only China. Anyway, the region where the core problems should be solved is called Western Asia. Not The Middle/Near East, as incestuous tribes of Brits and Dutch claims.

Mirror Stage Warfare

By carefully set and courageously conducted operation, HAMAS created new approach in simultaneous use of wide range of warfare – from conventional/multisector to electronic, information, net, intelligence, counter-intelligence, guerilla, urban street combats, irregular, as well as the surprise factor – which was the crucial to uncover the fakeness of the myth of invincible zionist military. By avoiding new technologies, HAMAS fighters avoided electronic surveillance. By using Chinese Huawei mobiles, they avoided being tapped by zionist electronic apparatus. Apart of military skills in classical or new way, HAMAS uses extreme sports skills as military skills. On the strategic thinking level, it is the motto of martial arts – that enemy’s force can be used against him. They also carefully studied the state of affairs in the world. Both favorable and unfavorable circumstances. They did not run away from reality, like, for example, ukro-nazi regime in Kiev and its puppeteers.

Hamas showed a good level of the maskirovka, as well. There were inner clashes within zionist military – because the poor idiots did not know who is who… so they targeted each other. Very good. Mirrors, again. To target the weak enemy with its own tools. Although enemy always plays a favourite in the battle. But, it is not. War shows the naked truth.

After Gaza Strip was cut off completely and being bombed, HAMAS is making mirrors. The power plant was attacked in Ashkelon as well as in Ashdod. destroying zionists’ infrastructure. Iron Dome was useless, obviously, because HAMAS performed something similar to DDoS attacks to websites, which made Iron Dome useless. HAMAS also showed creativity in planning and conducting ongoing operation – it showed rockets made of water pipes; although they were made in 2021, it was nothing interesting for media, previous to these days. Which also shows the short media memories.

Western crime syndicate now accuses Iran to be behind HAMAS’ operation. Nietzsche would says that they stir shallow water to make it look deeper. Western crime syndicate did not notice many changes in the last several years. Especially during their so-called “lock down”  operation – it appears now that only their deranged brains were locked down, and that is good. Other people were trying to realize what was going on, why, how, etc… The answers to those questions inspired people to think more and to improve own methods and set ups in achieving goals and stop threats and wrongdoings from whomever.

It is also important to note that HAMAS has evolved. From the joint product of Egypt, Turkey and Saudi Arabia (Muslim Brotherhood) and its tools among Palestinians who were already divided (West Bank and Gaza Strip), HAMAS had a role to always confront whatever PLO and FATAH were doing. Apart of confronting West Bank’s Palestinian organizations, HAMAS had problems with Islamic Jihad (also from Gaza Strip). Although all of them claimed to have the common goal, they were divided (and conquered). In the last several years, HAMAS’ officials accepted Hezbollah as the most organized and the most ready unit of The Resistance and also accepted Hezbollah’s leadership decisions. On the other hand, the rapprochement of Iran and Saudi Arabia was an important step for HAMAS’ evolving and improvement, both for its political and military wing.

Now The Resistance heads toward total unity and there are serious attempts and steps in uniting Islam – Sunni and Shia. Direct communication between Iranian President, Reisi and Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammed Bin Salman, the visit of Iranian FM to Beirut and Baghdad, previous activities of Syrian President in China, visit of Iraqi PM to Moscow – all those moves show the forming of a stable Islamic pole within the multipolar world. Entire occupied Palestine can only be liberated by united Islamic pole which chose the concept of multipolar world.

There are other voices from Iraq, too. On October 7th, Iraqi militias, aligned with The Resistance, announced that all USA military posts in Iraq will be legitimate targets if any of the soldiers or equipment leave the place. Abu Alla al-Wala’l, Secretary General of Iraq’s Sayyed al-Shuhada Brigades announced: “If America intervenes directly, we will intervene directly.” It is a mirror.

The same has been done by Western crime syndicate whenever the zionists were bombing Gaza or raiding Palestinian houses in the West bank. At the same time, zionist military was killing Palestinian children. For Western media machinery, Palestinian victims has never been victims. Palestinians were consciously sacrificed. It was not easy for British and Dutch criminals and vampires to leave natural resources which they looted for centuries. Not only that, the territory of Palestine was fertile ground to instigate wars time by time, whenever their own reign was in danger – religious, ideological, political, whichever wars.

The Failure of the Sick Western Propaganda

It was first the SMO of the Russian Armed Forces which stopped corona circus (global biological and information war, actually) and put it away from the agenda and media. Now it is HAMAS, which stopped Ukraine circus (Western crime syndicate war against Russia, actually) and put it away from the agenda and media. Because things are unfolding back to the core of the problems, where all started from.

Western crime syndicate is trying again to sell its deranged propaganda to the world. But it does not work anymore. Attempts to accuse Iran of being involved in HAMAS operation in occupied Palestine, in the part of land stolen by zionists and their protectors, fell apart. At the same time, the very same crime syndicate still persuades people across the globe that former Ukraine is not Western paw, but it is just Ukrainians fighting for their freedom and independence. Really?!

In order to clear things up and to uncover the hidden routes of Western money laundry machinery,  HAMAS publicly thanked ukronazi regime for the weapons it sold them. This was a good move in the zone of info-war, because it prevented both zionists and ukronazis to brag and rant about some weapons ended up in Western Asia, but were sent to Eastern Europe. Netanyahu was a bit late stirring shallow water and being so kind “to warn”, just from the best intentions (of course!), that weapons from Ukraine may end up in occupied Palestine.

Adviser to the head of the DNR Yan Gagin, commenting the situation in occupied Palestine, said: “It is ironic that Israeli soldiers are now being shot with their weapons, which were once delivered to Kiev from NATO.”

Something went wrong with zionists’ propaganda. There is also some kind of noise between Western officials and their mainstream media. While officials of the Western crime syndicate named HAMAS fighters “the terrorists”, their own propaganda machinery calls them “militants”. Propaganda machinery broadcasts the original statements of the officials, though. HAMAS is listed as terrorist organization in many Western countries. Yet, Western officials are the only ones using the expression “terrorists”. Because of the gap in (up to now) synchronized Western crime syndicate’s officials and media – there is also noise in the Western propaganda front about HAMAS’ operation and about what zionist entity really achieves in the field. But retired zionist general clarified that, what is going on is “a total military disaster, and an embarrassment to the Jewish state”. May God bless him. Zionists are well known atheists’ and liars.

But, as time goes by, even very fast, Western media started to reframe reality. For some of the talking heads of the Western idiots, HAMAS’ fighters  became terrorists, as they are commanded by their puppeteers. There was never better global opportunity for positive selection, while everyone determines their future steps. It means it is about the war between good and evil.

Even the reserve/retired zionist officers praised (of course they are full of fear for their egoistic lives) HAMAS’ operation in their own (zionist) media. This is a free ad for HAMAS and for the entire Resistance in Western Asia. Apart of praising HAMAS’ operation in TV7, reserve major-general mentioned Pearl Harbour as a parallel how should zionist entity react to that operation. He mentioned Iran as well, so it appears that there are some deranged minds within zionist military, ready for nuclear strike on Palestinians and on Iran. He also claims it was not an intelligence failure, but (un)readiness of the troops to react properly. Moreover, he added, the zionist military had a drill in May, simulating multi-sector attack on its troops and facilities. Also, in 2018, zionists’ entity has been making lots of ads and posing with (then) work-in-progress UAV named Tikad. There is no sign of Tikad. Was it only a virtual UAV, to scare around?! And now, they can be mad. Mad beasts are dangerous.

Iranian media write that an Australian citizen, who sent an email to the police of the North German city of Hamburg with information about explosive on n aircraft en route from Tehran to Hamburg, was allegedly detained, according to the words of Shamsoddin Farzadipour, the Director General of Iran Air  (IR of Iran Airlines). Even the servant Zionazis in Germany had to back off. This is how poor zionist propaganda is.

Collective West Crime Syndicate including zionist entity (and governments of Western powers and their stooges and false international organizations which serve Syndicate’s goals) is just having on its head everything it has served to the world, for decades. It was obviouseEven in the former Ukraine. Statements of Western crime syndicate officials repeatedly called for the independence and sovereignty of Ukrainian territory, while at the same time they were putting pressure on Serbia (and still are) to renounce its independence and sovereignty on its territory, to fulfill their command and to give away the 16% of the territory where its statehood comes from. It is not easy to imagine how deranged those human shapes are. Serbia is a good example where all the zionist and globalists’ plan fall apart.

Now there is another level of deception being spread: it is not that zionist military is weak and the services failed. It is because they wanted to topple Netanyahu and that was why they did not react or, the other wing of insanity: to help Netanyahu to overcome inner political clashes caused by judicial reform, which he can overcome, by the possibility to flatten Gaza. This is completely insane, delusional and schizophrenic. It only displays the state of affairs within Western crime syndicate. As far as zionists are in question – very hard staff, very deranged humans. But still are of the western crime syndicate.

The Role of Egypt

TV channel Al Sumario broadcasted audio recordings of the former Egyptian president Mubarak from a while ago: “Netanyahu once said… that there is such a map showing the Gaza Strip and the territory near our borders, and he wanted to check out whether population of the Gaza Strip can be moved to the Sinai Peninsula.” The channel reports according to the recordings that Egyptian president refused Netanyahu’s proposal: “Forget it. Neither I nor the one who comes after me will be able to give up our territory.”

Gamal Abdel Nasser Hussein, Egyptian military officer and politician, who was also a president of Egypt, much longer ago, before Mubarak. He said: “To liberate Jerusalem, Arab peoples must first liberate Riyadh.”

It shows long sightedness of Egyptian officials. Although HAMAS was connected both to Muslim Brotherhood and Egypt, after Egypt suffered Western organized coup by Muslim Brotherhood (during the so-called “Arab Spring”), they (Egypt and HAMAS) tried to distance themselves from the Muslim Brotherhood. Only Turkey stays in line with that atrocious organization; and maybe some leftovers in Saudi Arabia. Erdogan’s neo-ottoman strategy is falling apart in front of Islamic unity of Shia and Sunni. But, Erdogan is not a statesmean – he is only a merchant. That is why his consciousness is limited to trade. Not to the higher values of state and society.

There were attempts these days from Egypt to deliver aid to Gaza Strip via Rafah crossing, but zionist war planes bombed that area. Zionist officials also threaten and blackmail Egypt if it sends any aid to Gaza. The Egyptian Foreign Minister published a statement regarding aid to Gaza: All Aid organizations, charities, and countries who are willing to send their aid to Gaza, are therefore ordered to deliver it to Al-Arish International Airport. The Aid WILL go through, regardless what Israel states, their threats of bombing the aid convoys and the medics and the doctors will fall on deaf ears.

The Dancing Israelis

After September 11th 2001, there were lots of rumours about what really, really happened. One of the unavoidable stories about what happened was about “Dancing Israelis” – a group of five Israeli men (Sivan Kurzberg, Paul Kurzberg, Oded Ellner, Yaron Shimuel and Omar Marmari), who were arrested on September 11th, 2001. The arrest came after they were reported to be acting in a celebratory manner as the attacks took place in New York City. The men were linked to a company “Urban Moving Systems” and were seen near a white van. Police found “maps of the city with certain places highlighted, box cutters, $4,700 cash stuffed in a sock, and foreign passports.” Bomb sniffing dogs were also brought into investigation of the van – the dogs’ reactions were as if they had smelled explosives. An FBI investigation of the group found that two of them were connected to Mossad, (not dogs, the dancing Israelis), but they were released soon after the arrest, without charge. Not only the two Mossad members, but all five. The five men claimed that they simply behaved immaturely (there is no any doubt tthat heir Anglo-saxon lawyer advised them about their behaviour). Perverted zionist propaganda and zionist media in occupied Palestine praised these group as if they were some heroes. For zionist media, they were just guys who wanted to document the event, since they are “surrounded by terrorism on a daily basis” – referring to unarmed Palestinians in the West bank and the sieged Palestinians in Gaza Strip. How poor and cowardish it is – to play a victim while being the oppressor. But, FBI had to release their photos (under the Freedom of Information Act) several years after the event and that raised more suspicion about their (five group men)  connections to the attack on September 11th 2001.

On October 7th 2023, there was another group of “dancing Israelis”. They were dancing during the electronic music festival, organized near military Kibbutz Re’im. (the area of the occupied and besieged Gaza area; a number of party people were members of the zionist military and services. It was a religious holiday of Yom Kippur on the previous day and military and security persons just wanted to relax… It says a lot about their devotion to their faith. Also, their sick idea to party near the electrified fence which circles Gaza Strip is more than sickening – right in front of the eyes of besieged Palestinians. There are several recordings from the phones of the dancing Israelis which show the presence of uniformed people. Which means the party was on purpose there. Maybe they were thinking they would like to provoke Arabs in Gaza? Huge mistake. Arabs in Gaza are true believers in their faith, unlike zionists. Talmud worshippers – fake Jews, to say. While there is no biggest lechers than Jews and there is no bigger infidels – but like any superstitious unbeliever, they appeal to faith. There is no greater hypocrisy than Jewish/zionist one.

The attempt of the zionist entity officials and the wide range of Western crime syndicate mainstream media to align HAMAS with Al Qaeda or Daesh just points out (again) the matrix of ludicrous and deranged Western propaganda. Now those who created and supported both Al Qaeda and Daesh rant about “defeating HAMAS, like the world defeated Al Qaeda and Daesh.” Perversion is the other main name of the Western crime syndicate, which includes zionist entity, as well.

Firs of all  about the world – this small organized criminal group refers to itself as “a world” while consisting of only 700 million people. If having in mind that the world consists of at least 7 billion people – that makes Western international community a small part of the world.  The world is everything else, but them. Actually, they are the cancer of the world. Second – it was not their “world” which defeated Al Qaeda and Daesh; terrorist groups were defeated by Syrian Arab Army, IRGC and Armed Forces of The Russian Federation. Third – the fact that Western crime syndicate mercenaries now leave (ex) Ukraine and go to occupied Palestine, on the territory stolen by British and Zionists., says a lot about Western cowardish wars. Fourth – the Western crime syndicate double standards are seen through – although Russian military never cut off electricity or water supply to the ukronazis and the regular ukrocitizens, Ursula von der Leyen was ranting about that, claiming it was the genocide – yes, it is true, this would be a genocide (deranged Ursula is a good robot). That is why Russian military never did that. But, zionist officials and their deranged military cut off Gaza of electricity, water, food, medicine supplies. Ursula is silent now, when it really happens, but she was very loud when it was not happening. So, it is not even about double standards, it is about schizophrenia, as well. And, Antonio Gutters should step in: he should send deranged Ursula for psychiatric check, before she is allowed to say anything on behalf of EU. (although EU falls apart and the new Slovak government is another proof the EU is useless).

And even if the sick zionists would like to align September 11th 2001 to October 7th 2023 – shouldn’t they be asked was it then September 10th / October 6th , too – some kind of press conference, like in Pentagon, when it was announced that trillions of dollars were missing from Pentagon’s budget. If you do something, do it to the core… But, Zionists are either too big cowards and retarded idiots, or crooked individuals who work for money, as prostitutes do.

The Long-lasting Genocide of Palestinian People

At this moment, there are around 5 200 Palestinians in zionist’s prisons. Among them, there are 170 children and 33 women. 170 children?! And, so-called “Western community” can live with that?! From 1967. war and the siege of more Palestinian territories up to know, one million Palestinians were detained. Zionist entity detain Palestinians keeping them for decades in prisons with no real reason – that is called “administrative detention” and its applied to Palestinians, only. Administrative detention is one of the British legal acts  during its “Mandate” in Palestine, which zionists never cancelled, after the Brits ended its “mandate”. But before they left, Britiish set the ground for the zionist entity, left them tools for their further occupation of Palestine. The list of zionist atrocities toward Palestinian people is endless. The list of British atrocities toward human kind is endless. So, they operate together in Palestine.

Zionist entity has been grabbing other peoples’ land from the first day of its unlawful existence. Its illegal settlers from across the world are paid to come to occupied Palestine in order to create illusion there is a lot of zionists in occupied Palestine, more than Palestinians. They terrorize Palestinians, occupy their houses, burning thousands of olive trees while zionist military protects them and target Palestinian children with assault ammunition.

Many of the “brave” illegal settlers who terrorize Palestinian children, women and elderly are leaving their “homeland” now, these days, as we speak. Very brave. But, after the missile attack on Ben Gurion Airport on october 9th, they are forced to stay in their “homeland”. Some of them will maybe experience the same what they have been doing for years. Mirrors, again.

If zionists want so eagerly to refer to 2001, there is something else from 2001. There is a recording of Benjamin Netanyahu, visiting a home of illegal zionist settlers in occupied Palestine’s West Bank and here is what Netanyahu told them how to behave toward Palestinian people:

Netanyahu: “The first thing is, first of all, to strike them not once, but several times, so painfully that the price they pay will be unbearable. So far the price tag is not unbearable. I mean a large-scale attack on Palestinian authority causing them to fear that everything is going to collapse. Fear is what brings them to…”

And then an illegal settler’s voice interrupts Netanyahu: “Hold on, but then again, the world will say we are aggressors.”

Netanyahu: “They can say whatever they want.”

The voice: “Aren’t you afraid of what they will say, Bibi?”

Netanyahu: “No. Especially today with the US, I know how they are. America is something you can easily manoeuvre and more in the right direction. And even if they say something. So, then they say something, so what?”

The voice: “80% of Americans support us.”

Netanyahu: “It’s absurd. We have such a support and here, we’re thinking what we should do ‘if’.”

These days: apart of bombing civilian buildings, kindergardens, chools and hospitals, zionist war planes bombed the office of the Al-Alam news network associated with the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Gaza Strip to prevent coverage of the events of  the aggression.

It was zionist minister of defence, Yoav Gallant, who said that they are not interested in international law or in UN resolutions.  He also said: “I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed. We are fighting human animals and we act accordingly.”

Actually, there is no human or animal behaving as zionists’ is. Even the wild beasts from wild nature are more human. The statement by Gallant only proves that zionist military is brave only when heavily armed and targeting children. It has not shown any meaningful reaction since Saturday. No proper military reaction to a military operation. Only revenge of a psychotic coward and hypocrite whose role of a victim ended up.

And there is a zionist health minister, Moshe Arbel, who issued directive to the public health system “to refuse to treat captured” Hamas fighters. He, of course, called them terrorists… What is the difference between zionist health minister and Dr Mengele? The Hippocratic Oath does not apply to both of them. Or they are “chosen” doctors and they can do whatever they want? Dr Mengele also thought he was a chosen doctor. This is the behaviour of an egocentric maniac with narcissist psychological disorder who claims to be a victim, while destroying others. At the same time, using some medical title to cover up his wrongdoings.

The Zionist entity is being accused for trafficking narcotics to Gaza Strip via Kerem Shalom, Beit Hanoun-Erez and Rafah crossings as well as via tunnels or the sea. Legal or illegal substances are being trafficked and spread among Palestinian youth in Gaza. According to the official of Ministry Interior of Gaza, they use classical method of manual search or police dogs. He added that zionist entity prevented them from importing the advanced technologies for detecting narcotics. The official of the Gazan Anti-Narcotics Department added that they are not able to pursue drug dealers out of Gaza Strip, because “Interpol does not cooperate with our security and police services”. Maybe rotten zionists thought that they drugged Palestinians in Gaza enough and bribed Interpol officials enough to stop the resistance or stop the procedures.

In order to somehow helps its ally (the sick zionist entity), the impotent EU, announced the suspension of financial aid to the Gaza Strip, worth 691 million euros. As if it was helping Gaza people anyhow. Or the help was “allocated” to EU stooges and Palestinian traitors within Gaza Strip, who were helping the maintenance of zionist occupation. Withdrawing of financial aid only means EU stooges in Gaza did not do their job well. And, that is why they want to leave Gaza now. Western cowards, hidden behind big words.

Western Crime Syndicate or the Zionazis

What could the next steps of the zionists’ entity confused army be, as it became very mad and helpless? After flattening Gaza (as hysterical women would do) , they might ask for complete disarmament of Palestinians in Gaza. They might ask for support of so-called “international community” actually consisting of the countries belonging to Western crime syndicate, to step in militarily. They might ask for someone to arrive, only to maintain a good image in the media, which does not exist anymore. Everyone (apart of the paid political or media prostitutes) know that all the falsehood comes from the Zionists or from the West.

The option of the Western military force is not possible anymore. As it is about conflict of civilization and Weltanschaung, it can spread elsewhere. It already does. Clashes between Muslims and zionists are going oni in the Western world. The military of Western crime syndicate will be very busy in their own countries (apart of the state 404 – ex Ukraine, where they help delusional regime – which can be called ”zionazis”). Having in mind how HAMAS’ operation is developing, the migrants who were sent from Asia and Africa to Europe with one purpose, may have completely the other one. Not even consciously,  That is also how mirror works. So, what is left of Western crime syndicate’s military or militarized police forces will be busy to save “the garden” – as deranged Joseph Borell named EU. The only thing zionist can count on is more weapons, more money for weapons and some mercenaries coming (back) from  the ex Ukraine.

It is also reported that US “elite units” Delta Squad and Sea Lions team have arrived in occupied Palestine in order to search and rescue American hostages who are being held captives in the Gaza Strip. But Americans who are in Gaza reported that they have doubts US officials would do anything for them. As Western crime syndicate is also well known for sacrificing own people, it might appear that the rescuing of Americans is only an excuse for their arrival and that the real reason might be to help totally confused zionist military which, like NATO, only can drop bombs from the heights. But, then, all those “elite units”, both from US and zionist military will have to wait for the mercenaries from (ex) Ukraine to arrive and fight for them, because those “elite units” are incapable for land operations and battles. And there can also be some trouble in paradise about the arrival of mercenaries – the member of the Sheikh Mansoor Brigade (prohibited in Russia) who fight on the side of ukronazis in (ex) Ukraine, announced the possibility to declare ukronazis as terrorists, because ukronazi regime in Kiev supports zionist regime in occupied Palestine. Before the HAMAS operations, the same brigade (Sheik Mansoor) was on zionists side in (ex) Ukraine, but now, when Islamic world is getting united, the terrorist from Chechniya might leave their neo nazi zionist friends in Kiev and join the battle against them (maybe even in the ex-Ukraine).

This is another, parallel domino effect which unfolds. Apart of the one in Western Asia where colonial countries’ power is fading away.

Netanyahu is the new Zelensky and zionist official, like Zelensky, says to his compatriots that “they must equip themselves”. Which means they are invited to take part in clashes and battles as  “mythical” military fails to fulfill its real duty. That is why zionist military will conduct more violence toward civilians across occupied Palestine. As the hysterical revenge of deranged, manipulative narcissist, whose real nature is revealed.

Now zionist military bombs Damascus and Aleppo airports preventing regular, Iranian civilian flights to land in Syria. Another delusional move by zionists. As if Iranian planes can not use other airports. But, spoiled zionists have a habbit that everything is tailor made for them. But it is not anymore.

All this happens while US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken is in occupied Palestine (territory  stolen by zionists). Apart of being hypocrite, he is also very afraid: “ I came to Israel not only as US Secretary of State, but also as an ethnic Jews.” So, USA is not multicultural anymore? Jews are special?

Jewish journalist Gideon Levy: “Israel’s arrogance is behind everything that has happened; the Israelis have thought they are allowed to do anything and they wouldn’t pay a price or be punished for it.”  And this is also modus operandi of the entire Western crime syndicate. Their arrogance will wait for them around the corner. And they will see in front of them the mirror reflection of all their wrongdoings. May God protect The Resistance.

By: Bobana M. Andjelkovic


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