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November 14, 2023
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Instagram: Killing the Art of Photography with Over-Saturation

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Instagram has drastically changed the way photography is experienced by reducing it to a platform for sharing filtered and edited images. This has caused people to overlook the beauty of capturing and sharing images that are unique and special.

The rise of Instagram has changed the way photography is perceived and experienced. What was once a craft of capturing a moment in its purest form has now been reduced to a platform for sharing filtered and edited images with the world. This has not only altered the way photography is consumed but has also had an effect on how it is produced and shared.

Instagram has created a platform where people can take pictures and post them without any real thought or consideration for the art of photography. People are more likely to take a picture and post it quickly, often without any real focus on the technical aspects such as lighting, composition, and timing. This has led to an over-saturation of the same types of images, with people posting only pictures that have been filtered and edited to make them look perfect.

In addition, Instagram has also caused a shift in the way photographers are paid for their work. Professional photographers often find it difficult to make money through Instagram as it is difficult to monetize their work. This has caused many photographers to focus more on creating content that will get likes and followers, rather than creating content that conveys an emotion or tells a story.

Moreover, many photographers are now turning to alternative methods of monetizing their work, such as through print sales or workshops. However, it is still important to remember that the pictures themselves should always be the priority, not the number of followers or likes.

At the same time, Instagram has allowed anyone to be a “photographer”, regardless of their technical skill or knowledge of the art. This has caused the quality of photography to decrease significantly, as people are more likely to post pictures that are heavily filtered and edited, rather than meaningful images that capture a moment.

This “trend” of heavily filtered and edited images has caused many to overlook the beauty that can be captured by simply having a keen eye and being creative. Many of the most stunning images come as a result of clever composition, intelligent use of colour, and thoughtful lighting. Additionally, some of the most iconic Instagram images f have been those that devote more attention to content, rather than technical proficiency. Simply put, the most beautiful photos are the ones that make viewers pause and appreciate the moment captured.

Overall, Instagram has had a significant impact on the art of photography. It has given people the ability to share their images with the world, but has also caused a shift in the way people are creating and consuming photography. There is a danger that this could lead to a decrease in the quality of photography, as people focus more on creating content that will get likes and followers, rather than meaningful images that capture a moment.

At the same time, Instagram has also provided an opportunity for talented photographers to showcase their work to a larger audience and has created a platform for discussion, collaboration, and experimentation. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide how to use Instagram – as a platform for meaningful work or simply to post aesthetically pleasing images.



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