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April 14, 2024
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US, ‘Israel’ Failed To Stop Iran From Attacking: INSS

According to the Israeli think tank, Iran was able to damage"Israel" without getting the United States involved.
Occupied Palestine

The Executive Director of the Israeli Institute for National Security Studies  Hayman Tamir, made remarks about the Iranian retaliatory strikes on “Israel”, claiming that from an operational perspective everything “worked perfectly” for the occupation. However, he highlighted that strategically, “the situation is more complex.”

To add to the list of Israeli failures, “Israel” and the United States “failed to deter Iran from attacking.”

Iran was also able to harm “Israel” without getting the United States involved to attack in cooperation with the occupation, Tamir said.

He also believes that even though for the first time last night “Israel” took action as “part of a coalition”, this still restricts its “freedom of action” if it responds.

Tamir further said, “The Israeli response will come on Iranian soil. But for now, we shouldn’t offer any clarity on the issue, but we should let the other side suffer in uncertainty. Time is in our hands. We can plan and act smart—a successful defense allows for this.”

US worried about ‘Israel’s’ response to Iran’s attack

The White House confirmed today that US President Joe Biden spoke by telephone with Israeli occupation Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu following Iran’s retaliatory attack on “Israel”.

Earlier, Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Force announced that it targeted Israeli positions in occupied Palestine with dozens of drones and missiles, as part of the retaliatory response to the malicious Israeli crime against the Iranian embassy in Syria.

The New York Times cited two Israeli officials as saying that Iran launched 185 drones, 36 cruise missiles, and 110 surface-to-surface missiles. The officials confirmed that most of the launches originated from Iranian territory, noting that a small portion were from Iraq and Yemen.

Following the call, Biden said US forces have “helped Israel take down nearly all of the incoming drones and missiles.” He announced that he “will convene my fellow G7 leaders to coordinate a united diplomatic response to Iran’s brazen attack.”

In a related context, NBC News cited a senior Biden administration official and a senior defense official as saying that top US officials are concerned that “Israel” might act swiftly in response to the Iranian attack without considering the potential consequences afterward.

/Al Mayadeen | Source: Israeli media


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